Yoga partner workout: tree pose

One of the best ways to create more intimacy in your relationship!


Begin both in standing position face to face. Shift your weight slightly onto the outer foot, keeping the inner foot firm to the floor, and bend your outer knee.Your inner arms can wrap around each other’s waist while your outer arms are on each other’s shoulder. Hold for 8-10  breaths.


yoga partner

This asana improves your balance and strengthens your feet.

Varvara Solomonidou,Wellness Specialist, Personal Trainer, Seminar & Conference Lecturer, Pilates Master Trainer “AthensTrainers® Ultimate Pilates System®”, Member of Pilates Method Alliance (PMA),  Member of European Lifestyle Medicine Organization (ELMO), DNAFit®  Certified Trainer, General Manager & Owner of AthensTrainers®

Photos: Grigoris Dogas

Source: Body Magazine,