Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Days of celebrations and adornment… everyone weaing smart  clothes! We are ready to welcome Christmas and New Year, but also the period of Capricorn!!! Anyway such a socket fits to him … this is what he believes …the world around him must have a luxury … an image…


Dear Capricorn, if you can hear us…. if you do us a favor … this is why you usually have a tendency to ascend. You are look like your representative of the animal kingdom. You reach up to the top and you gaze alone, completely alone! So all of  would like to give you a few advices …

We already know that it is a little bit difficult … who takes the courage to advise a Capricorn? … is it possible? But our friend already knows everything and yet  … he has the Pope’s infallible!!!

Although we are the humble mortals, we would like to help a little bit the situation …

We know that you want to eat everything … oh yeah we know this very well … but  dear friend, you must understand that you can not do this.

Your poor stomach, your arthritis and bones, your  skin diseases, do not allow this dream becomes reality … On the other hand, however, you’re a busy guy, with a powerful  everyday life…you never stop!

Which is the result; You have been declared as the best customer of fast foods !!! Oh yes our friend, you can not do everything.. get up from your throne … We propose you to be calm with your  daily movements and prefer foods full of calcium. These will be good for  your bones.

Forget fatty and spicy foods, such as sauces that harm to your poor stomach. Get plenty of protein because your body has a tendency for low temperature … probably this is why they call you as a cold executer…. The meat without fat, the yoghurt, the cheese, the eggs and the lentils are good foods to your menu.

According to CCZain … do not ask who he is … when Saturn is stressed and has bad aspects to your natal horoscope … we know you are already looking for it… then you fall in stressful situations even when there are no serious problems . So there is a constant adrenaline secretion …  oh what an evil found us … so do not forget your proteins with a “cocktail” of minerals and vitamins. The beets, the amaranth, the clams and the wild greens are perfect for you. Do not forget that your biochemical salt is calcium phosphate, which will help you in the assimilation of the album.

But not only the diet will save you  … there is the exercise too! What is that?… a Capricorn who prefers his comfort will ask!!! A Capricorn who is spoiled and he enjoys  the luxuries and anything  is prepared by others! Gymnastics for you, my friend, means the distance you make from home to the kiosk and opposite… and this is very tough for you…Someone must  promise you a benefit and a profit to get involved in sport … oh yes, they must  promise to you .. .but if you involve in sport, you  will reach the top … do you  remember that  top we said before?  Oh, this is true.. everything you are involved in, you do this with excellent organization, discipline, strict methodical and in detail !!! These are your good elements!

As you are a type who gives a great importance on what opinion others have of you …we are  sure about this … and because you give a great importance to your appearance … we would suggest you  to start walking, biking, using  treadmill, hiking and climbing…this reminds you of something … and jogging too. Always with caution, do not overdo … because if you start something nobody can stop you easily!!!

We hope you listened to us and you recorded everything! We are sure that you heard us because of your style and your  conviction that personal failures are made for others, not for you! We are sure that you will make the greatest success in order to receive the applause of all of us!!!

Article by Kyriaki Solomonidou


Editing by Varvara Solomonidou

varvara low
