Did you know that…

The witloof helps combat fluid retention in the body during menstruation (dysmenorrhea)?

Once upon a time folk healers used witloof to treat liver and bile diseases? Galen called it “the friend of the liver”. “. Now clinical studies have shown that a component which is contained, the chicory, has actually hepato protective action. The witloof prevent the development of “Free radicals”, helping to protect against cardiovascular diseases.


The witloof is considered an excellent diuretic. It is also  a very good tonic, digestive and detoxifying. It is ideal for purifying the blood, it is cholagogue, laxative, tonic, antirheumatic. It reduces cholesterol and the decoction of its leaves is used against diabetes and obesity. It acts beneficially in anything concerns of the function of the glands

The Taraxacum officinalis or otherwise dandelion is a common green in Greece especially in the meadows? The properties of the dandelion are diuretic (It has safe diuretic effect), it benefits in the cases of liquids retention, at increased with uric acid, to urinary lithiasis and to infections or diseases of the urethra, of the bladder and of the kidney. Through the lot of diuresis the potassium can be reduced. The content of dandelion in potassium can compensate the loss.


Varvara Solomonidou,Wellness Specialist, Personal Trainer, Seminar & Conference Lecturer, Pilates Master Trainer “AthensTrainers® Ultimate Pilates System®”, General Manager & Owner of AthensTrainers®

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https://www.medicalland.gr , https://www.medlook.net

https://www.diatrofi.gr , https://alexiptoto.com