Dieting made easy….Calorie Counter by FatSecret

We searched for a FREE APP to use it as a calorie counter and diet tracker for weight loss or gaining weight …or keeping our body weight as it is…

And we found FatSecret App…100% FREE, simple and fast!!!


This App has all the tools we need to achieve our goals:

– A food diary to plan and keep track of what you’re eating.

– A barcode scanner

– An exercise diary to record all the calories you burn.

– A diet calendar to see your calories consumed and burned.

– A weight tracker.


– Detailed reporting and goals.

– Image recognition of foods and meals …take a photo and track your nutrition…as they say  “a picture is worth a thousand words”

– Photo album. #Photodiet #Foodsnap #Instacalorie

– Fantastic recipes and meal ideas.


And the rest…you can find out by yourself….

Dieting made easy….


Varvara Solomonidou,Wellness Specialist, Personal Trainer, Seminar & Conference Lecturer, Pilates Master Trainer “AthensTrainers® Ultimate Pilates System®”, General Manager & Owner of AthensTrainers®

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