Everything in its time…January

And after all the introductory lets get down to the “point- gist” and with this we mean the broths like the ancient Spartan Melas Zomos or black soup made from boiled pig’s legs salt and vinegar which in the Byzantine times was enriched with herbs like nardos and cinnamon etc.


Deep in the freezing cold months of winter we start wigh 3 portions of red wine something like the glühwein nowdays, approximately three hours before dinner we drink it slowly getting ready to welcome the roasted lamb or suckling pig with a sticky glaze and loads of crispy cruckling seasoned with all kind of peppers,nardos, cinnamon
Oh! what a feast!!! aside aspic and terrines.

january 1
As from poultry chickens,ducks,gooses,guinea fowls,fatted chickens, game birds like quails and vegetables like turnips,cabbages,leaks,rockets,celery,peas,meant,sprouts and nuts like raisins,almonds peanuts(Aegina) pine nuts,dates fruits like pears and pomegranates and sweets as quince and semolina broths.
As from fish always kinds from the time of the year like white seabream and bream.

Certainly we cannot forget the wellness of the body,skin and complexion so steambaths, aromatotherapy, soaps, salts and body lotions……
To be continued.

Article by Kyriaki Solomonidou


Translation by CHRIS

SOURCE:  TASTES OF BYZANTIUM: The cuisine of a legendary empire, Andrew Dalby