Meditation script “Confidence inside you”

Close your eyes gently and relax your body and your mind little by little…


Let your body begin to relax…relax complelely…


Continue to breathe slowly and deeply…

As deeply you can…

As slowly you can…

As if you breathe for the first time in your life…

Open your chest…your being…open…feel free…

Let your consciousness focus on your breathing rhythm …let the thoughts or images from your surrounding go…


Feel your breath coming in and out of your nose…

Inhale through nose…exhale through nose…

Feel the power of your breath…

Inhale energy…exhale energy…

Inhale joy…exhale joy…

Inhale peace…exhale peace…

Inhale freedom…exhale freedom…

Inhale calmness…exhale calmness

Inhale light…exhale light…

Continue breathing…

Inhale love…exhale love…

Inhale beauty…exhale beauty…

Continue to breathe …slowly…smoothly…deeply…

Focus your attention on your heart…inside your heart…

Start breathing through the centre of your heart…breathe in…breathe out…breathe in…breathe out…

Feel your heart full of power…feel your heart growing stronger with each inhalation…feel your heart spreading this power as harmony to all your body…

Feel every atom and cell of your body getting warm…

Breathe in…and out…breathe in…and out…

Concentrate on your heart…on the centre of your heart…

Feel the confidence spreading inside you…filling your being…there is no pressure…

Spread this feeling around you…in waves…in vibrations…


Stay in silence…take a minute one to just relax…

Allow yourself to stay in calmness…in peace…

And when you feel ready to return to your day, thank deeply the energy of your heart…keep with you this secure feeling of confidence…this feeling will be always in you…in your heart…know that you can return here in your imagination any time you feel like…any time you need to…

It is time to become energized and fully alert on the count of 3…

One…take a deep breath in…exhale slowly

Two…another breath in…and exhale

Three…you are feeling calm, confident, happy and refreshed….

Varvara Solomonidou,Wellness Specialist, Personal Trainer, Seminar & Conference Lecturer, Pilates Master Trainer “AthensTrainers® Ultimate Pilates System®”, General Manager & Owner of AthensTrainers®

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