QuitNow! is the most complete tool you will find in the AppStore to quit smoking. More than two million of quitters confirm it!
QuitNow! offers you real-time stats, anytime, to help you cope with anxiety:
– The time (days, hours, minutes) since the last cigarette of your life
– How many cigarettes you have avoided
– The money and time you have saved
Also, QuitNow! will provide you with W.H.O.-based (UN’s World Health Organization) indicators on your health improvement process, and an achievement list you will unlock one by one, as time passes, motivating you to achieve your goal.
Most important, QuitNow! is social: Share your stats and achievements on the very App:
– Create your profile and start chatting with other quitters!
– Get help, tips and tricks from others, make friends, and offer your own support, any time, and always in your own language (44 different options)
… and also on Facebook, Twitter, or any other Social Network!

It’s the quit smoking time!
Source: quitnowapp.com