Welcome Baby…the right exercise

It takes 9 months to have a baby. The new mother will definitely need another 9 month period to return to her former physical condition. It takes 6 to 8 weeks for the woman to return to her training program and always in consultation with her supervising doctor who will inform her about the rank of transversus abdominis’ dissociation. If you were exercising during pregnancy, it will be easier to recover and the abdomen will be flat very soon.

The transversus abdominis is an important muscle that requires exercise.  This muscle surrounds the belly circularly “as a waist belt”. When combined with exercises for the perineum it strengthens the abdomen, achieving a full body support and good posture.

Classic abdominal exercises such as roll-up, sit up and crunches are prohibitive since they increase the rank of transversus abdominis’ dissociation.

Varvara Solomonidou,Wellness Specialist, Personal Trainer, Seminar & Conference Lecturer, Pilates Master Trainer “AthensTrainers® Ultimate Pilates System®”, Member of European Lifestyle Medicine Organization (ELMO), DNAFit®  Certified Trainer, General Manager & Owner of AthensTrainers®

From “Kids & New Parents” magazine.