Best Herbs For Hair Growth

For hundreds of years, people have been using herbs to nourish the scalp and promote the growth of strong, healthy hair.  The list of herbs traditionally used for this purpose is extensive.  Here we’ve outlined some of the best choices, why they work, and how to prepare them.

Aloe Vera: Enzymes in aloe vera dissolve dead skin cells and excess sebum which can clog hair follicles. Aloe gel is also an excellent moisturizer.

Basil is rich in magnesium. When applied to hair and scalp as an herbal rinse, basil acts as an anti-inflammatory, strengthens hair against breakage and improves circulation in the hair follicles.

The flowers of Calendula are rich in minerals and anti-oxidants. Calendula oil applied to the scalp promotes growth of stronger hair by increasing collagen production and circulation in hair follicles.

Ginger root oil increases circulation in hair follicles, promoting stronger and faster growth. Ginger root is also an anti-septic and moisturizer.

Lavender: The oil of Lavandula is a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-septic. Lavender oil stimulates circulation in the scalp, strengthens new hair growth, and helps to balance the natural oil production of the scalp.
