Is dna smarter than your own body?

A sport and exercise genetic test kit/ dna test will help you to understand whether you are genetically better suited to endurance or power  or a mixture of the two, by analyzing gene variants associated with exercise and sports performance .

You will be given a report  about muscle recovery after training  and injury risk, and recommendations for using the facts to optimize training results and minimize injury risk.

The DNAFit Test is the of the most popular and scientifically proven. It  uncovers your unique dietary needs and made long-term sustainable change to live the best lifestyle for you. If you are interested for peak performance , it will  arm you with information on how to train for your sport and  turn your  marginal gains into game-changing results. If you are interested in health and wellbeing, then it is the right time to make a positive change. Long-term vitality and wellbeing should be personal, not general.   It is simply a saliva swab.

Here’s what you get…


Athenstrainers®  provides DNAFit®   test in order to help their clients to achieve their personal goals, using groundbreaking   high quality services.

Varvara Solomonidou,Wellness Specialist, Personal Trainer, Seminar & Conference Lecturer, Pilates Master Trainer “AthensTrainers® Ultimate Pilates System®”, General Manager & Owner of AthensTrainers®

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