Reasons to start running:

You improve your physical conditionYou run so you can … eat

You burn more calories

You lose extra weight

You fit into your old clothes

You collect … medals

You beat boredom, make your life more colorful

You feel healthier

You keep your mind healthy and “sharp”

You protect your bones

You feel happier

You can share this time with your family

You meet new friends through teams, races, clubs

You appreciate and protect the environment

You gain self-confidence and self-control

It is free of cost and you can run at any time

You feel young and … alive

You exceed your limits

This way you deal with middle age crisis

It can be your psychologist

It boosts your libido

It’s a “forever friend”, an appointment with yourself

Varvara Solomonidou,Wellness Specialist, Personal Trainer, Seminar & Conference Lecturer, Pilates Master Trainer “AthensTrainers® Ultimate Pilates System®”, Member of European Lifestyle Medicine Organization (ELMO), DNAFit®  Certified Trainer, General Manager & Owner of AthensTrainers®