Tips for stronger glutes

Strong glutes are the foundation of a great physique and a healthy body, so  you need to make training them a priority.

Start from today, adding exercises to your program that will restore your ailing glutes:

SQUAT: An all-time classic exercise. To engage your glutes, try lowering your pelvis toward the floor as far as you can and press into your heels to stand up. 3 sets x 20 reps.

STEP UP TO BOX: Standing position, one feet on the box. shift your bodyweight on the leg that is on the box and step up onto the box bending the other leg ‘s knee in 90°. Repet on the other side. 3 sets x 15 reps

BRIDGE ON THE FITBALL: Supine position, knees bent and  feet on the fitball hip width apart. Flatten your spine and curl the tailbone off the mat. Continue to peel the spine up one vertebra at a time lifting your trunk into a bridge until the weight is evenly between your shoulder blades. 3 sets x 20 reps.

Finally, don’t forget the aerobic workout: Next time you go for walking or running include some uphill activity. You will definitely  burn calories and tone your glutes.

Sofia Papageorga, Yoga & Pilates Instructor, Personal Trainer, AthensTrainers® Associate